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The Performed Ceremony

NOTE: After much consideration, i have moved "path" "journey", "walked art", etc to the DANSE page -{Path/Walk as danse}- See also: [Clone] [Simacrulum] [Simulation] [(art) concepts] [Art MovementsCulutural Markers] (as a part of symbolism) [Coerced performance] -[post post-modernism]- -[Performance, Absurd]- [Dada] [Dadaism] (an art "ism") [Performance frank: Realism Now!] [Frank's stuff] [The Performed Act] [Performed Art] [The Performed Art Act] [The Performed Art Technology] [The Performed Danse] [Performed Art: Filmed] [The Performed Performance] [The Performed Score] -[Performance Space]- [Performed Text] [Performed Theatre] [The Performed UFO's - including esp and modern physics] [Performed Web] [Fluxus] [Street Art] [] [Interventionist Art] [Los Interioristas] [T.A.Z.] (Association for Ontological Anarchy) (Hakim Bey, chief janitor)

The Perforance Ceremony

(including ritual) On this page: {Intro} {} {Meets and Jambories} {} {} {} {Links} {Bibliography}


Meets and Jambories

A Karate Meet

It immediately strikes how we are sometimes forced to perform a ceremon not only in public, but in an impropteau space. -[
Perf Space - Formal and Not]- a Karate meet in a gynmasium.
Lookers walk past in the widet 
co-ordior at the top. Down below
along this co-oridor are pairs of
performance/trial areas. They 
face each other E-to-E (entrance
where the performer comes in), with
the judges tables at the extremes. In this case, a number of local karate schools were competeing in a (certified) competition. This was based on both age groups as well as belt colours. In this case, the semi-formal aspects of the "dojo" (training house, but also an almost spiritual place where the students gather in seriousness and focus to train). Each of these performance areas was set along the walkways. The entire space was an enormously large enclosed, lighted and air conditioned space - probably large enough to hold 50 or maybe even 100 bull basket ball courts. (Apparently many of areas of Earth (see map) offer these sorts of ritual spaces for various purposes; eg, "doll club meets", "scrap booking conventions" and something called "gun and knive shows" (which apparently do *not* include live demonstrations; alas). But, alas as well; i digress. In the case above, my kids were in the meete. And my daughter (slightly older) to perform first. Yellow Belt (second from the bottom - traditionally white is bottom-most, beginner). Each student was lined up and ready to go. My dauther was third in line. And here in comes the point: We as teachers bring a world of experience to ALL that we do. For who can say of the vagarieties of chanse, circumstance, and rain? The first two students (one at a time) followed the path (i've shown as RED) and walked around to the point on the matt opposite the judges. They then march directly in to the center of the matt, where they stop and bow to the Judges and tell the the "move" that they will demonstrate, they then leave the matt. Then came my daugther a student of one Master Cruz of New York. She marched directly to the side of the matt (i have drawn this path in blue and labeled it "L"), she then turned straight to the right, rounded the corner again smartly turning. When she reached the edge of the matt, she stopped, bowed to the matt and then walked onto it, stopped, stood directly erect and the formally bowed. And then she spoke, "Masters, my name is Samantha Sorensson, my master is Mr. Cruz. I will now perform the shinto-sahn ??name??)". When she was done, she again bowed slowly and deliberately, turned 180-about and marched to the edge, stepped off the matt, turned 360-about bowwed to the matt and judges and then re-traced path "L". Needless to say she was the only one from her dojo who performed in that group, had others done so, the judges would have learnd of the gentle and yet strict ways of Master Cruz. Oddly enough, following her, all of the other competitors imitated her movements - however the fact that she and 2 others were younger and had been placed with the two groups older than her; something about "time's running out, we need to combine the groups". This is odd to me, for if indeed time exists at all, there seems no shortage of it and for it turn out the universes would surely, Shirley, end? me thinks not of time, but only of the path.
