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Performance, Absurd

NOTE: After much consideration, i have moved "path" "journey", "walked art", etc to the DANSE page -{Path/Walk as danse}- See also: -[Dada SurReal Sources/etc...]- -[SurRealism]- See also: [Text as art material] [Coerced performance] -[post post-modernism]- [Dada] [Dadaism] (an art "ism") [The Performed Art Technology] [frank as performance object] [ "PARTS ONE, TWO, THREE" ] [Performed Art] (start here?) [The Performed Art Act] -[Performance Ceremony]- (including ritual) [The Performed Danse] [Performed Art: Filmed] -[Perfomred Mime]- (including Zanni, Harlequin, and tribal/mask refs, etc) [The Performed Score] -[Performance Space]- [The Performed Text] [Performed Theatre] [The Performed UFO's] (and esp, etc) [The Performed WEB (including programming)] [Street Art] [] [Interventionist Art] [Los Interioristas] [T.A.Z.] (Association for Ontological Anarchy) (Hakim Bey, chief janitor) [(art) concepts] [Art MovementsPerformance, Absurd On this page: {Intro} {What the absurd is NOT...} {Stuff} {Poly Sci Lecture #12} {An analysis of Poly-Sci Lecture #12} a few brief, post-notes on the implementation and *intent* of an absurdist piece on the war. {Assasins} (an absurdist history play) {Professor Vowel's comments on "Assasins"} {My notes on the above two works} {Characters} {Techniques} {Techniques} {Stream of Consciousness} (examples from Manet and Python) {Techniques} {Techniques} {Techniques} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Refs} {Links} -^_6


In this section: {
What the absurd is NOT...} The absurd is at once simple and complex. I think that any child who has had to "wait" (for no apparent reason) understands the absurdity of time. I think as well (i do a bit o; the old thinking, wot?) that at a FEW times even the most ordinary of people find the absurd. And of course, being un-exploded (as yet - ever?) they turn the absurd aside with that quiet little "cough-like-laugh" that we all know so well. By the same token, most people are so imbedded in the matrix and surrounded by such superficialities that is is no wonder that our "leaders" find it so easy to pass the same old 3-day-old oatmeal off for a proper rice pudding -- all the while assuring us that THEY have the situation well in hand. This is part and parcel to the central work of ANY absurdity. For example, in my own short story "Hard Fall", when the "purple blob" leaves and it turns out there was no actual "to blame" - merely cause and effect reduced to their most "horrible" form. And then there it is on the tube -- all about our glorious triumph against the SIRIAN REVOLT, and (to quote from P.K. Dick's "Martian Time Slip" and the autistic child -- blurble, blorglle, gubble, grubble, gurglish, gubbish. So, what are the components or if we might be so bold as to ASSUME that we can: What are the aesthetics of the absurd? To the point, we are reminded once again of the quacking duck syndrome and how we tend to mis-judge things based on the evidence. There will probably be no end to the growing number "re-adjudications" (read: re-evaluations). Oh. The DNA-retesting of inmates accused of this or that and LO! They were innocent all the time? Having just completed my first reading of "Inside the Third Reich" by Albert Speers (how by the chanses of fate went he, rather than i). He hammers it out. Just a sec, i'll go get the text (with attendent notes)... Ah, yes here it it is: BEGIN BLOCK QUOTE [P. 610]

Hopping John of the Carolinas

Many lands as well as many sections of Ameica have *special* "lucky" foods and pasteries which are served on New Year's Day. In Holland, for example, when a Dutch lad goes a-courting [ie: a-courtin' ] on New Year's Day, he takes his sweetheart a pastry made in the shape of their initials. In Scotland, "Hogmaanany" dumplings are customarily served on New Year's Day, etc. Among the lucky recepies served in various sections of the United States on New Year's Day, is this pea (bean) dish from the Carolinas. It is an old Southern custom to seve it on Nw Year's Day at the noon dinner, a ten cent piece being added to the big boal of peaks just before it is brought to the table. The person finding it his or her [or nehr] plate will have good luck all year. [But, obviously not if they swallow it and choke to death]. END BLOCK QUOTE -[That block quote here]- (perf-text CONTENT) Sorry, wrong quote. Oh here it is: BEGIN BLOCK QUOTE [P. 700] From the plunder of Peru came the first potato [sic]. But no priest or pirate of the conqust ever guessed that the tuber he trod underfoot on the upland Peruvian plain would spread to every corner of the temperate zone and be worth more than the all the mines of Potosi. No dream of Inca gold, not the very Temple of the Sun itself, would buy one year's potato [sic] crop today. END BLOCK From The Gold Book. START AGAIN Speer, Albert. Inside the Third Reich. BEGIN BLOCK QUOTE [P. 603] At this time [in Spandau Prison in Nuerberg, awaiting final examination and sentencing] the prison psychologist, G.M. Gilbert, was going from cell to cell with a copy of the [entire] indictment, asking the defendents to write their comments on it. When i read the partially evasive, partially disdainful words of many of my fellow defendants, i wrote to Gilbert's astonishment: "The trial is necessary. There is a shared responsibility for such horrible crimes even in an authoritarian state." I still regard it as my greatest feat of psychic courage to have held to this view throughout the ten months of the trial. END BLOCK QUOTE He had taken it upon himself, that even though he had not directly tortured people - there was even a comment from the investigation that the prisoners under his work projects were treated far better than other - he knew that by his (extraordinary) talents the war had been prolonged a great deal. Such "fessin' up" to responsibility seems all the more alien these days when we are all supposedly so-much more "evolved" (in terms of both cultural, technological, and personal views of superiority to "the past"), the more so. Of course, we don't expect this sort of "assumption" of responsibility - unless it is clearly "for the benefit of the system" i mean i'm not *really* guilty of any thing - other than being out to lunch without any side-exploding boosters that should have been stopped in the first place; this of course caused the "small wall of exhaustion" to be built. And in turn even the lost perspective of a certain duck couldn't be un-confused from the view of fractal cat.

What the absurd is NOT...

To see just how far the problems of defining and understanding the abusrd are of is, I was once accused of "wanting the absurd because i don't care about people" - or something like that! The absurd has at its base the idea that life IS (for the most part) short and brutish ??author?? (Johsn Stuart Mills or "Commonweal") me thinks). And as such, the tragedy of life is omni-present. Which is really such a shame, for as "Sherlock Holmes" in the film "They Might Be Giants" puts it: They got it wrong, we never left Eden. That is, the world would and could be so nice (perhaps not the "best of all worlds" - but "good enough") if it wasn't for petty things like greed, etc.


So, what are the aesthetics of peformance art as opposed to theatre? Do we need restrict our definition/usage of theatre to "traditional theatre" -- whatever that is; ie, elisabethian, classical greece, Mollier vs the 1800c ?? More directly: What are the particular aesthetics that select/differentiate between performed text and performance;per se ? (it is recommended to listen to the 1st movemetn of Prokofiev's Symp #2 (yes; number 2, and NOT the classical) (an old beige rain coat might help as well) We take as read text as text as text as text read as simple recitation and/or discussion, etc. Even if i speak as non chalantly as possible the words To be or not to be (or their equivalents in Klingon) there is almsot no way that i can do so without destroying context at that moment. Or, as certainly one of the most feared (or one assume so) poets of Plato, has sed: >>In ancient times, paintings we- re given their finishing touches in stages. Each day brought so- mething new. A painting used to be sume of actions. In my case, a painting is the sum of destructions. I paint a work, and then I destroy it.<< -- Pablo Ruiz Picasso Thus, in the case of Hamlet's words (arguably the most famous words in the Language English!), we can not escape their weight of destruction. Imagine a clown of most comic proportions, who suddenly "strikes a pose" and utters them, or a dictator (eg, Hitler, Nero, Cardinal Jimenez, etc) - that is, the two anti-podes of human existence (nilhilism vs obliteration). In either case, their preceding remarks/actions/etc are struck into another unvierse this sort of *ultimate* dividing mark: "To be or not to be". Of course, we cheat here, since the words would have little meaning prior to the widespread knowledge of Hamlet, it's performances, and the "soaking in" of the work as pure text. Note that only the the case of Hitler and his time (the 1900c), would his audience be aware of what the words meant - whether spoken in English or not. We might well ask if there have "always" been such words? Thus, we might have found some equivalent in the time of the the Roman or Catholic scourages of equal maginitude in the denigration and derrogation of the human spirit. But, we would find such words useful in any event. In the modern context, uttering "Fire" in a theatre, or the word "gun" in the presence of secret service agents protecting a president, king, or other official would be the only equivalent in destructive power. Here, quite literally so. And what of the words of a doctor concerning some critical results of a test? For example, an "HIV" test? In my own case, i had determined if indeed i was still "hiv free" i would say a certain thing from a certain play - sort of thanks to the mues for sparing my life (at least for a little while, and in this major way). The lab tech got my file, went back to the back of the office - through which i could see him looking at my file. The passage from the reception room, led past the desk that served as the reception, down a darkish hall, and into THE ROOM (that is, the room where people were counciled when the news was not good). And the ages clicked by, the tech (way "back there") continued, looking at the sheets stapled to my file. An infinity of time passed as inifnity does (as it does at about 3 minutes into Satie's "Ballet Realiste"). Finally (as it turned out, i had had a liver cancer test done as well, and of course, that was a bit unusual).... oh, you're all right..... (sed he') so out sprang these works, Very well, then we shall have a new opera. And Herr Mozart shall write it. And it shall be in German; there 'tis, then. Odd, how performance just "happens". START AGAIN

An analysis of Poly-Sci Lecture #12

Political Science Lecture Series

#12: Anarchy and 9/11

Written: Dec 23, 2003. NOTE: STRONG LANGUAGE, MATURE CONTENT -- PG14 (at least) or at least a note from your Mum saying that you are NOT a republican. Anarchy is the concept of ruling a planet by random, chaotic, and contradictory methods. For example, instead of dispatching a trained team of diplomats to the middle east to listen (patiently) to the Palestinians and Israelis whine on and on about how THEY are the oppressed, and THEM THAR are the terrorists, the ANARCHICAL approach would be to dispatch a roving band of (professionally trained) clowns and mimes. After a time (so goes the theory of ANARCHICAL RESPONSE) that the Jews and Arabs would actually unite (after killing the first three or four dispatched teams -- carefully making it look like THE OTHER had done it). Anarchy is based upon (in the 24th century, and on most civilised planets) a firm mathematical basis (and a soft fluffy pillow). The fundamental precepts of CHAOS THEORY, INCOMPLETE-INFORMATION THEORY, and FUZZY LOGIC are inherent in the proof of the so-called Jazerstrebski-Orion theorem: If you're backed into a corner, either develop a corner-nullifier or immediately break into your stand-up comedy / song-and-dance act. A direct example is asked for at his point (and if it isn't you may bring a note from your Mum as to exactly how the dog ate your homework. 9/11 -- Even in these more enlightened times, those words still strike terror into the hearts of millions. But, from an anarchical point-of-view, one must ask the question: Could it have been prevented? (Or at least, do I really like mustard on my turkey club sandwich (even if the bacon is "supposedly" kosher)? Let us review the facts as they are now understood. 1. Due to bickering (rivalry based upon the alpha-male principle and the normal "pissing contest" resulting from male-dominated species -- refer to M. Mead: "Life among the Penises" chapters 17, and 21 -- with especial attention to the introduction and epilog), the CIA, FBI and Justice Department each had (by itself) sufficient information to at least be aware of the distinct glimmering of the possibility of an attack. Combined, this information would (according to the HINDSIGHT GUESSING THEOREM) have prevented 9/11 or at least minimized it. 2. Due to petty (again alpha-male based) jealousies and rivalries, they did not "share" this information with each other. For as Shemp Howard (the famous "other" stooge) once remarked: "The only constant in government, is the need for relentless control. One is almost struck by the 'flying pie' of stupidity when one considers that the very leaders who are elected or appointed to protect us are in fact stepping on each other in a vastly time-wasting effort for 'information supremacy'". (This is commonly refered to as: SHEMP'S PI DI-LEMMA). D. The fact that this information would (in a chaotic system or even in a completely anarchical system) would have been in the hands of one, E. R. Hadden (the power-crazed meglomaniac multi-national billionare) and possibly even acted upon (if only to prevent personal business loss in the various international business holding of Hadden Industries) -- is diametrically opposed to the fact that even despite the fact that the so-called "intelligence agencies" possession of the FUNDAMENTAL FACTS of the situation that they in point-of-fact did NOTHING. When one considers that this single fact (even in the light of the so-called "SCHMOCK SCHMOCK THEOREM" of professor's Steve Allen and Patrick Harrington), then one is lead to the in-escapable CONCLUSION that we'd all be better served if Bozo the Clown (and "Butch") were running the whole show than the current gang of idiots. And, finally, 7. Wibble. Historical Background Although there have been (here-to-before) many so-called Anarchical movements, these have merely been scattered groups of more idiots simply trading on the good name of TRUE ANARCHY. For example, during the 1800's and early 1900's, many so-called Anarchists went around setting off bombs killing kings, wealthy land owners, and the odd TC MITS (The Common Man In The Street) -- in some sort of bizarre attempt to either change society or to merely get themselves thrown in jail if not-in-fact executed for treason. A much more rational (and their-fore-a-fore-foot more purely anarchical approach), would to have carefully planned such attacks on such "supposedly important" personages and (for example), staged an entire scene from Hamlet using finger puppets and kippers. Or even the more startling rendering of THE ANARCHICAL RESPONSE using Gertrude Stein's brilliant anarchical response: A three-hour dissertation consisting of a single (but properly punctuated) sentence that essentially says: I really find life quite per-plexing. Modern anarchists have derived much pleasure (and even at times considerable social progress) by breaking with tradition (usually referred to as THE HEINSEBERG SCHOOL OF ANARCHICAL REASONING; aka as "HA!") and dressing up as Abraham Lincoln (with accompanying gentry listeners) and performing "The Gettysburg Address" -- most notably, at the potentially quite violent skin-head anti skin-head confrontation outside of Le Penn's political head-quarters in 2017. The resulting "love-in" that followed is a classic example of the so-called BLINK-BLINK RESPONSE when non anarchists are confronted with pure anarchy. Although purists (often referred to as THE JULIA CHILDS SCHOOL OF ANARCHICAL SQUARE DANCING, aka "JC SAQ" - the "d" being silently rendered in memory of Douglas Adams) are quick to point out that in point of fact the incident was IN FACT a "pure" example of Heisenberg Anarchy, since the inclusion of the Vienna Boy's choir and three Chinese dragons in the background, softly rendering "My old Kentucky Home" (by the great American song writer/connoisseur Stephen Foster) rendered the entire effort effective. But the HA's response is of course, that a a "pure" HA! rendering, would have included at least ONE toreador (even if only parlaying with an imaginary bull). There has been much debate in learned circles upon this issue and it is likely not to be soon resolved. Regardless, the success of "modern" anarachy can not be denied. Or if it is denied, it comes back the following week and instead of bringing a shot gun and needlessly killing a bunch of TC MITS, it hands out leaflets promising a "two for one" deal at a local dry cleaning establishment -- and the coupons are honored by said establishment. (This in addition of course, to a troop of small children doing an entire rendering of "Pain in the Pullman" by THE STOOGES. Essential Anarchical Principles As previously mentioned in another of this author's finely reasoned (and mildly seasoned) essays (Der Katz), one only has to think of the "un-expected" add a slight twist at the end, and one is already half-way home (or at least on the last leg of a cross-town bus trip to home) in terms of anarchy. For example, let us say that we have two political factions -- any two will do, since on some issue they are sure to disagree. For example, let us say that we have some Republicans (yes, I know this is a theoretical consideration, since they all became extinct when the air conditioners in their SUV's (SPORTS UTILITY VEHICLES) stopped working, and they all sweated to death when confronted with the results of global warming; ie, the roving bands of killer penguins that relentlessly sought out all responsible for the melting of Antarctica. None-the-less).... Let us say that we have a group STAUNCH UPRIGHT CITIZENS AGAINST ABORTION (SUCAA). We now introduce what is commonly referred to in Anarchical Science as THE DIVIDING TERM. Now the value does not have to be either ZERO or INFINITY, let's set it at the arbitrary value of TUESDAY WELD, and assign it's anarchical index at "RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS". Part of the SUCCA's will be abhorrent to the idea of having a gun in their home, the other half will defend to the death of their children being killed by a gun in their homes due to accident the right of every GOD FEARING CITIZEN to not only bear arms, but their constitutionally mandated OBLIGATION to have a gun with them at all times. In it's most logical conclusion (carefully removing TUESDAY WELD from the line of fire -- not to be confused with FIRING LINE), is that the group of "gun nuts" will "waste" the group of "fetus-obsessed, non gun-nuts". Now as much as one would like to intervene... (I mean even if these are "only" republicans, one does feel the natural kind of sympathy for all living things -- even if said republicans would gladly (after re-uniting since the presence of a tree-hugging, liberal hippy would negate (at least temporarily) the DIVIDING TERM), kill or at least spit on sed interventioneur), but again this IS just a theoretical discussion. Regardless, to intervein the traditional manner (ie, to use logical, and well-reasoned statements such as "90% of all pregnancies end in natural abortion (mis-carriage) and in many cases without the mother's knowledge that she was pregnant in the first place" or "the second amendment was meant to protect the right of private militia defending the country against the British Red Coats back in 1776, and not the right of gun wackos that simply don't want to pay their taxes from staging standoffs that force the big bad government from completely over-reacting. After all everyone must pay their taxes, well, everyone that's ordinary and doesn't earn over a hundred thousand a year") -- such "traditional methods" are useless. In fact it can be shown from the ORSON WELLES PRINCIPLE OF ATTACKING WILLIAM RANDOLF HEARST IN THE MOVIE CITIZEN KANE AN CONSEQUENTLY HAVING YOUR LIFE RUINED BY A RICH AND POWERFUL MAN, that any (repeat ANY) attempt to intervein -- even using the Sydney Opera House as backdrop, and the entire Gay Men's Gay Pride Chorus rendering a danced version (completely in silence) of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, EVEN THAT -- would be futile. For as the late, great philosopher and dry-cleaner, Billious Papier once said, "Argument is pointless, yew can not teach shit to an asshole". (Strong words, perhaps, but still treu even in these more en-lightened times). I thank you for your attention. (the author at this point, got off of his soap box, and promptly, fell face-first into a recently deposited load of horse hocky. Many have debated whether this was intentional -- ie, to offset the use of the word "shit" at the end of such a distinguished lecture, or just the fact that he's such a clumsy git to begin with) Please note: This lecture was edited by Miss Vera Similitude. We appologise for the inconvenience.

An analysis of Poly-Sci Lecture #12

I have taken it upon myself to do a bit of explanation (i never make excuses, only explanations) of a work that i constructed in an absurdist manner some time back. And hope this will provide insigts and such.

Political Science Lecture Series

#12: Anarchy and 9/11

NOTE: STRONG LANGUAGE, MATURE CONTENT -- PG14 (at least) or at least a note from your Mum saying that you are NOT a republican. EXPL: The idea of a note from your mother as to why you couldn't do such and so has its roots in schooling of children. It also, can be tied to the idea of a permission slip for field trips; ie, visits to museums, etc during school hours - usually via bus or other public transportation. Anarchy is the concept of ruling a planet by random, chaotic, and contradictory methods. EXPL: Self reference and of course self-contradition are part and parcel to the "internal truth" bleeding out into the sur-reality of the 'presentation'. For example, in the skit "Attack of the Killer Xmas Trees" on SNL (Saturday Night Live) one of the people was "stabbed" by a tree-frond and the one of actors (who can see the CAMERA VIEW on a monitor) said, "What about that guy back there?" - indicating the prop-man who was using the tree puppet-like to "stab" the "victim". The other actor in the sketch replied, quip-like, "Him? Naw, he's just an innocent stunt man." Depending on the degree of externalisation that the work has (ie, externalising to the "real" world), such references can be used for humorous or other intense effect. Another example occurs in an episode of "Northern ExpOsure" when "Dr. Fleichman" steps out of character to question the absurdity of the scene pointing out that in the "duel" what does the auience expect. Clearly "Vladimir" isn't going to kill "Maurice" (a re-occuring star of the show). Text can be used in the manner of Brecht or the drop down signs as in "Our Town" (Wilder). Props/persons can be brought in to tie one element to another. For example, in the spoof-show "Science Mystery 3000", the film "The Killer Bees" has at the start of the film a man with a suit and derby walking along the road - this is just used as a scene element to break up the F/G and B/G. He doesn't appear again. However, in the spoof-show, two of the characters start to argue about some "thing" and up comes the squaky music and one of the live actors comes up from no where, tips his derby and walks off stage. The two live action characters (Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo as i recall) are "stopped in their tracks") - the thing first observed becomes THE distracting element - and hence like a CARTOON or a SONG is the "saving" (and of course quasi-absurdist INTER-VEINING element) in much of the Pythons' works. For example, instead of dispatching a trained team of diplomats to the middle east to listen (patiently) to the Palestinians and Israelis whine on and on about how THEY are the oppressed, and THEM THAR are the terrorists, EXPL: Err, ahm. Being from The Republic of Texas (see map), we tend to use "Southern Slang" to interrupt the flow of "The King's English" Note the over-use of this to good effect in "Blazing Saddles" by Mel Brooks, et al. Similarly, well know changes to "other" accents and/or vocabulary, delivery style can be used to good effect. For example, in the "Captain Spalding" episode of the Marx Borthers, Groucho steps out of the scene and renders a monolog - which was the style in theatre at the time; viz, "Long Days Journey into Night, O'Neil", etc. Thus, a "familiar element" can be used to almost un-interruptedly interrupt a scene, etc. Product placments done overtly, quoted phrases as if in a formal speech, or even Oliver Hardy's habit of looking directly into the camera when Stan Laurel had said something especially "stupid" - saying in in effect: "You see. You see what i have to put up with?" the ANARCHICAL approach would be to dispatch a roving band of (professionally trained) clowns and mimes. After a time (so goes the theory of ANARCHICAL RESPONSE) that the Jews and Arabs would actually unite (after killing the first three or four dispatched teams -- carefully making it look like THE OTHER had done it). EXPL: The stronger the "base situation" is - as here with the almost innumerable and daily episodes of "an eye for an eye" that we the tit-for-tat behaviour of ultra Israeli zionists and ultra Palesteinian Jihadists -- this allows us two options: A very strong response or a very self-mocking one. The strong response is "normal" theatre. Two memembers of the same family are fighting and another of the family shouts: JUST STOP IT. The self-mocking one is to draw a circle of absurdity around the participants as clearly as one can. Harpo's "leg in the hand" was the clearest of these: No one could continue a serious speech, when he would keep taking their hand and putting his leg in it. Of course in almost all cases, then a "break" with that was to call in a cop or such; ie, an un-distractable source of AUTHORITY - reading as "normal" continuity, behaviour, etc. This self-mock can be (of course) in the manner of clowning around, or the imposition of a set of actors acting as "observers" outside of the entire play. The most common of these is death itself in the early German Expressionist drama as well as of course Bergman's work, or the "troop of circus performers" in Felini's work. Note that this same elment was used in good effect to offset the serious nature of "Q" in the inquisition segment of "Star Trek: TNG" of the final episode "All Good Things...". This element of course finds one of its strongest sources in the "chorus" in ancient Greek Drama. Anarchy is based upon (in the 24th century, and on most civilised planets) a firm mathematical basis (and a soft fluffy pillow). The fundamental precepts of CHAOS THEORY, INCOMPLETE-INFORMATION THEORY, and FUZZY LOGIC are inherent in the proof of the so-called Jazerstrebski-Orion theorem: If you're backed into a corner, either develop a corner-nullifier or immediately break into your stand-up comedy / song-and-dance act. A direct example is asked for at his point (and if it isn't you may bring a note from your Mum as to exactly how the dog ate your homework. EXPL: The non-explanation "explanation" is course constructed from "normal" behaviours imbedded into absurd constructs. Also, note the "note from your Mum" repetition. Also, note the "appeal to academic authority" of either existent or non existant scientific theories. Another example, would be to use phrases like, "What else would expect with an inverse square-wave law??" or "Exactly what Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs predicted. Except here, the attempt is to overthow the Japanese JIT "Theory Z" worker as memember of company-family postulate". And of course, these can be from an intruding "commentator" - as in the "history prof" in the Pythons' "Holy Grail". 9/11 -- Even in these more enlightened times, those words still strike terror into the hearts of millions. But, from an anarchical point-of-view, one must ask the question: Could it have been prevented? (Or at least, do I really like mustard on my turkey club sandwich (even if the bacon is "supposedly" kosher)? EXPL: Again the more serious the situation, the further the absurdist can go in contrast. Also, note the "police station bathroom scene" in the film "The Paper". Three men in a bathroom and the ACTUAL truth teetering in the balance. And Michael Keton allows his character to LOSE IT - to push the absurdity in the forefront. And of course in doing so, actually building the clearly visible "model" of reality. And the "cop" being a reasonable and compassionate (angst times three) person is pushed to break through into the realm of the ideal. Let us review the facts as they are now understood. 1. Due to bickering (rivalry based upon the alpha-male principle and the normal "pissing contest" resulting from male-dominated species -- refer to M. Mead: "Life among the Penises" chapters 17, and 21 -- with especial attention to the introduction and epilog), the CIA, FBI and Justice Department each had (by itself) sufficient information to at least be aware of the distinct glimmering of the possibility of an attack. Combined, this information would (according to the HINDSIGHT GUESSING THEOREM) have prevented 9/11 or at least minimized it. EXPL: When i wrote the above, these were the (apparent) details of the news itself. Note that to "politically balance" the scene the mention of "hindsight" idea is introduced. This is in the manner of "Monday Morning Quarterbacks" saying how they would have fixed last Sunday's Football game. Sports metaphors are of course only a very slighly disguised form of war truths. EXPL: The following just continues the previous stream of diatribic blurble. 2. Due to petty (again alpha-male based) jealousies and rivalries, they did not "share" this information with each other. For as Shemp Howard (the famous "other" stooge) once remarked: "The only constant in government, is the need for relentless control. One is almost struck by the 'flying pie' of stupidity when one considers that the very leaders who are elected or appointed to protect us are in fact stepping on each other in a vastly time-wasting effort for 'information supremacy'". (This is commonly refered to as: SHEMP'S PI DI-LEMMA). D. The fact that this information would (in a chaotic system or even in a completely anarchical system) would have been in the hands of one, E. R. Hadden (the power-crazed meglomaniac multi-national billionare) and possibly even acted upon (if only to prevent personal business loss in the various international business holding of Hadden Industries) -- is diametrically opposed to the fact that even despite the fact that the so-called "intelligence agencies" possession of the FUNDAMENTAL FACTS of the situation that they in point-of-fact did NOTHING. When one considers that this single fact (even in the light of the so-called "SCHMOCK SCHMOCK THEOREM" of professor's Steve Allen and Patrick Harrington), then one is lead to the in-escapable CONCLUSION that we'd all be better served if Bozo the Clown (and "Butch") were running the whole show than the current gang of idiots. And, finally, 7. Wibble. EXPL: A ref to the "Black Adder" series, Part IV. A non-sense word.

Historical Background

Although there have been (here-to-before) many so-called Anarchical movements, these have merely been scattered groups of more idiots simply trading on the good name of TRUE ANARCHY. For example, during the 1800's and early 1900's, many so-called Anarchists went around setting off bombs killing kings, wealthy land owners, and the odd TC MITS (The Common Man In The Street) -- in some sort of bizarre attempt to either change society or to merely get themselves thrown in jail if not-in-fact executed for treason. EXPL: Again, this defaults to a "psuedo-academic" discourse - in keeping with the over-all structure of the text. A much more rational (and their-fore-a-fore-foot more purely anarchical approach), would to have carefully planned such attacks on such "supposedly important" personages and (for example), staged an entire scene from Hamlet using finger puppets and kippers. Or even the more startling rendering of THE ANARCHICAL RESPONSE using Gertrude Stein's brilliant anarchical response: A three-hour dissertation consisting of a single (but properly punctuated) sentence that essentially says: I really find life quite per-plexing. EXPL: More of the same. But, here the "push" is towards confusing which is the reality and which is the acted response. Note that if any part of the perf seems a bit "too far". The response is to take it to the most emotional limit based on the truth. In this case, to simply state in all seriousness "They were holding hands as they jumped out of the buildings." - and repeat it until an "objection" ceases. Of course, un-reasonable appologists for the authorities/terrorists in this case won't listen and are too far "into" the matrix to make it to any LEVEL (as in game play) of rationality, humanity, etc. Modern anarchists have derived much pleasure (and even at times considerable social progress) by breaking with tradition (usually referred to as THE HEINSEBERG SCHOOL OF ANARCHICAL REASONING; aka as "HAR!") and dressing up as Abraham Lincoln (with accompanying gentry listeners) and performing "The Gettysburg Address" -- most notably, at the potentially quite violent skin-head anti skin-head confrontation outside of Le Penn's political head-quarters in 2017. The resulting "love-in" that followed is a classic example of the so-called BLINK-BLINK RESPONSE when non anarchists are confronted with pure anarchy. EXPL: Now pushing the "text" of the work into a direct confrontation with "appolgist" rationalising - use of (then) current events. Of course, the text should be adapted to "local" interests, etc. Although purists (often referred to as THE JULIA CHILDS SCHOOL OF ANARCHICAL SQUARE DANCING, aka "JC SAQ" - the "d" being silently rendered in memory of Douglas Adams) are quick to point out that in point of fact the incident was IN FACT a "pure" example of Heisenberg Anarchy, since the inclusion of the Vienna Boy's choir and three Chinese dragons in the background, softly rendering "My old Kentucky Home" (by the great American song writer/connoisseur Stephen Foster) rendered the entire effort effective. But the HAR's response is of course, that a a "pure" HAR! rendering, would have included at least ONE toreador (even if only parlaying with an imaginary bull). EXPL: Note the use of two contrasting "schools" of anarchy. One could argue that QM (Quantum Mechanics) IS a form of anarchy. But, how one jumps to the "opposite" POV (point of view) that COOKING is a contrasting theory to QM -- ? Just more absurdity. There has been much debate in learned circles upon this issue and it is likely not to be soon resolved. EXPL: This "encases" the two "camps" in a sort of verasimilitude as though there are actually universities studying such things, international symposiums, etc. Publication names would be nice as well; eg, and as Professor Adolph H. Marx has written in the literary journal "Silence the Horn", ... (and then a quote). Regardless, the success of "modern" anarachy can not be denied. Or if it is denied, it comes back the following week and instead of bringing a shot gun and needlessly killing a bunch of TC MITS, it hands out leaflets promising a "two for one" deal at a local dry cleaning establishment -- and the coupons are honored by said establishment. (This in addition of course, to a troop of small children doing an entire rendering of "Pain in the Pullman" by THE STOOGES. EXPL: TC MITS - the celebrated man in the street. It would prob have been better to use "poor saps" or "John/Jane Doe's", etc. here. Involving children brings a sort of innocence and yet (in the context of the work pertaining to such attrocities) brings silently and only slightly acknowledge idea of "worst" vicitms of terrorism, being children. EXPL: The following are simply more of the same drivel.

Essential Anarchical Principles

As previously mentioned in another of this author's finely reasoned (and mildly seasoned) essays (Der Katz), one only has to think of the "un-expected" add a slight twist at the end, and one is already half-way home (or at least on the last leg of a cross-town bus trip to home) in terms of anarchy. For example, let us say that we have two political factions -- any two will do, since on some issue they are sure to disagree. For example, let us say that we have some Republicans (yes, I know this is a theoretical consideration, since they all became extinct when the air conditioners in their SUV's (SPORTS UTILITY VEHICLES) stopped working, and they all sweated to death when confronted with the results of global warming; ie, the roving bands of killer penguins that relentlessly sought out all responsible for the melting of Antarctica. None-the-less).... Let us say that we have a group STAUNCH UPRIGHT CITIZENS AGAINST ABORTION (SUCAA). We now introduce what is commonly referred to in Anarchical Science as THE DIVIDING TERM. Now the value does not have to be either ZERO or INFINITY, let's set it at the arbitrary value of TUESDAY WELD, and assign it's anarchical index at "RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS". Part of the SUCCA's will be abhorrent to the idea of having a gun in their home, the other half will defend to the death of their children being killed by a gun in their homes due to accident the right of every GOD FEARING CITIZEN to not only bear arms, but their constitutionally mandated OBLIGATION to have a gun with them at all times. In it's most logical conclusion (carefully removing TUESDAY WELD from the line of fire -- not to be confused with FIRING LINE), is that the group of "gun nuts" will "waste" the group of "fetus-obsessed, non gun-nuts". EXPL: The use of Tuesday Weld (a young and promising actress; see, "Lord Love a Duck" and "If this is Wednesday, then this must be Belgium" - when she declined to be fawned over like Marylyn Monroe, etc. The American press essentially burried her - almost never reporting her at all; essentially ruining her life. She also appears in "Zippy the Pinhead" by Griffith. Now as much as one would like to intervene... (I mean even if these are "only" republicans, one does feel the natural kind of sympathy for all living things -- even if said republicans would gladly (after re-uniting since the presence of a tree-hugging, liberal hippy would negate (at least temporarily) the DIVIDING TERM), kill or at least spit on sed interventioneur), but again this IS just a theoretical discussion. Regardless, to intervein the traditional manner (ie, to use logical, and well-reasoned statements such as "90% of all pregnancies end in natural abortion (mis-carriage) and in many cases without the mother's knowledge that she was pregnant in the first place" or "the second amendment was meant to protect the right of private militia defending the country against the British Red Coats back in 1776, and not the right of gun wackos that simply don't want to pay their taxes from staging standoffs that force the big bad government from completely over-reacting. After all everyone must pay their taxes, well, everyone that's ordinary and doesn't earn over a hundred thousand a year") -- such "traditional methods" are useless. In fact it can be shown from the ORSON WELLES PRINCIPLE OF ATTACKING WILLIAM RANDOLF HEARST IN THE MOVIE CITIZEN KANE AN CONSEQUENTLY HAVING YOUR LIFE RUINED BY A RICH AND POWERFUL MAN, that any (repeat ANY) attempt to intervein -- even using the Sydney Opera House as backdrop, and the entire Gay Men's Gay Pride Chorus rendering a danced version (completely in silence) of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, EVEN THAT -- would be futile. EXPL: Part of the reason for this inclusion is the several "million man march" types of events. And of course, the *continued* (even then 2002/2003) NON-actions concerning AIDS - which had just begun to gain attn in Africa - as well as the war and the possibility of the draft. And of course my gay friends being (some of them) "gung ho" to join into the fray. This of course reminding me of theselians ?? and the spartans as a sort of "assasins guild" of fighters in ancient Greece and esp in the time of Alexander the Great. Thus, after a particularly disturbing report i transformed this into one of my long standing "pie-in-the-face" eps from the now some-what lost/defunct "Cartoonia" nation. The idea of silently acted danse which portrays music. For as the late, great philosopher and dry-cleaner, Billious Papier once said, "Argument is pointless, yew can not teach shit to an asshole". EXPL: In the various "rightous" debates about how the ONE TRUE way is the Republican way, almost anyone that doesn't fit in is attacked as being anti-American; in keeping with George W. Bush's assertion "If you're not with us, then you're with terrorists". Despite such a begged question and logicl falacy - IT WORKS. Remember that most "normal" people can't work their way out of a riddle, let alone a logical or il-logical sylogism. Thus, "America Love it or leave it" once again rears its ugly head. Of course, when the surgeon tells you that you have cancer and need an operation, the reactionary mind simply takes its check book out and buys a different KIND of hat. (Ref to Barbara Kruger: "Whenever i hear the word culture, i take out my checkbook." EXPL: The phrase "You can't explain shit to an asshole" occured several years back. In an effort to "explain" in no un-certain terms and to PROVE that the green-house and ozone-depletion problems were real. I began to undertake to model these in a simulation that i would "write" in Pascal as well as in my "PDML" (Public Domain Mark-up Language) - which was the "state of the art" in the late 1980's. I had started to undertake the creation of a "action script" operating system called Dolphin. Would be a sort of slide-show with fading and possibly even juxtaposition of images and sound Although at the time, i hadn't really begun to even "notice" sound or music since they were in my mind at that time simply "static" in both the sense of noise and in terms of un-changeable "inserts" - at most. Finally, as i got into it, i realised how many assumptions (carefully noted) that i was having to make - thus coming (not un-reasonably now in "hind site") that no matter what i did, the "proof" even via the most beautiful display of partial differential equations, and simulations would NOT convince anyone who was anything other than reasonable. Oddly enough, at this same time Stephen J. Gould had undertaken his beautiful work in the area of his "sporadic" ??term?? evolution theory. Unfortunately, both are now quite beyond me. C'est la matimatika. (Strong words, perhaps, but still treu even in these more en-lightened times). I thank you for your attention. (the author at this point, got off of his soap box, and promptly, fell face-first into a recently deposited load of horse hocky. Many have debated whether this was intentional -- ie, to offset the use of the word "shit" at the end of such a distinguished lecture, or just the fact that he's such a clumsy git to begin with) Please note: This lecture was edited by Miss Vera Similitude. We appologise for the inconvenience. EXPL: Ending blurble - based on "normal" forms, etc.


(an absurdist history play) After viewing one of the two latest entries at the MOMAFW - ??title?? by ??artist?? this has spurd a re-assessment of how we as artists view/portray war and such. Clearly her work is meant to reflect on the civil war and it would appear (since many of the silohettes are of soldiers) that there might be at least some *intent* of commentry upon the present war. And as happenstance might have it in my own studies (of the WW I and its influence on the dadaists, etc) as well as my first reading of Albert Speer's "Inside the Third Reich" - and him as "royal artist/architect" and the seduction to power there-by of. Has led me upon the "bargain table" to find a copy of Professor Vowel's latest work on her so-called "Assasination Vacation". Her mein reminds me of the "Enid" character (or at least her nazi conterpart) in the film, "Ghost World" - these characters do not appear in the same way in the novel by Clowes but only (apparently) in the film version by Clowes and Zweigov. Regardless, without out further delay or feathering a-fore-foot,...


Professor Vowel's comments on "Assasins"

My notes on the above two works



The List of finger puppets available]- A de-constructed list (with + additions suggested) Dickinson, Emily Dostoevsky, Fyodor Douglass, Frederick Edison, Thomas Einstein, Albert Elisabeth I, Queen Erikssson, Leif Fizgerald, F. Scott Foucault, Michel Franklin, Benjamin Ganesh Geronimo -[]- -[]- -[]- -^_6

The Usual Suspects


The Usual Suspects


The Usual Suspects


The Usual Suspects


The Usual Suspects

Jacques Derrida


In this section:



Stream of Consciousness

(examples from Manet and Python) Python as TRANSLATION to film/story VIA Manet. Manett's drawing style is line-to-line-to-line. For example, Esquisse de L'exécution de Maximilien But, this is NOT the case for his "finished" drawings or studies for paintings - well, for the most part. eg: L'Olympia épreuve-originale Thus, (in the Python) a scene/sketch starts and then goes to where the punch line would be inserted (or at least the resolution) and then either jumpts with NO connection to something else, to a song put in to tie the work up (often the song is absurd itself), or leads "logically" into the next bit. For example, references to film directions and such are inserted into the sketch to make it look as if a character in the sketch is actually reading their lines as an amateur actor. These lines can then be made the basis for a re-occuring bit. Also for example in "Strangers in Good Company", the further and more completely the "normalcy" of the scne is bulit up (even if the normalcy is absurdist) - then the further from it, the more "shocking" the jump to otherness. Note that if the absurdity is built up as the normal -- a return to the normal, mundane will be disconcerting to the viewer/participant/player. This is also the basis for the ending of "The Boss of it All"


(This section only) Scott, Cynthia (DIR) (1990). Strangers in Good Company. IMDB: Trier, Lars von (DIR) (2006). Direktøren for det hele. "The Boss of it all"; Danish w/English subtitles. IMDB:



Eslin, Martin (1991; 3rd edn). The Theatre of the Absurd DD: 809.204-E7T Eslin, Martin (). Mediaations - Essays on Brech, Beckett, and the Media. DD: 809.204-E78M ISBN: 9=0.8071.0771.9 Palmer, John (1969; reprint of 1927 edn). Studies in the Contemporary Theatre. [Esp, Pp. 45 & ff: M. Luifgi Pirandello and the enigma of personality]. DD: 792.09-P174S
