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Medieval Art

See also: -[]- -[]- -[Humane Salvationis]- -[]- -[Speculum]- -[Trecento]- (Medieval community in Florence) -[]- See also: [Art Periods] -[Renaissance Art]- [Art History (index)] [TIME LINE] (an inverse-function of a'space)


On this page: {} {} {Stokstad} {Late Roman/Early Christian} {Constantine: Byzanine Art} {Non-Christian Art} {Carolingian Art} {Byzantium after 867AD} {The British Isles} {Nordic Art} {Romanesque {Proto-Gothic Art} {Gothic Art} {Regional Styles} {The Ususal Suspects} {Refs} {Links}


Also, while Stokstad discusses "National Styles in Gothic Art", i have chosen the concept of "Regional" to talk about "nations" is to see into the future. At the time, no one could imagine the concept of nation - prinicpalities and traditional lines of succession; yeah, even the Holy Roman Empire as it declared itself - but nations? Hmmmm. Well, onward.... -[
Extract]- -[Course Outline]- ( Professor Holian)

Late Roman/Early Christian

Constantine: Byzanine Art

Non-Christian Art

At this point, we should consider the influence and non-influence of the Roman Empire on regions just beyond its reach, as well as art groups that resisted its authority; eg, the Jewish and other religions that persisted in only paying lip service to the Roman Gods, etc. We tend to have a major problem with our nationalism -- indeed as Einstein said, "Nationalism is [one of] the greatest plagues ever foisted on humankind." (not an exact quote). For as artists, we dip in and borrow/steal where it pleases us - more often than not taken with an odd bit of culture and such that we chance upon in our travels. Thus: Onward!

Carolingian Art

Byzantium after 867AD

The British Isles

Nordic Art


Proto-Gothic Art

Gothic Art

Regional Styles

The Usual Suspects



Berenson, Bernard (193). Studies in Medieval Painting. Pub: Yale Univ Press (USA, Terra, Sol3)

Periodicals, etc

Ballentino del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione Dedalo Gazette des Beaux Arts MS Lat 9, 594 (Biblioth'eque Nationale) Staeeljahrbuch in Dedalo
