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[A/H Index]  [^^Time Line]

See also: [Ab-ex] [Robert Delaunay () (aka, Mr. Sonia Delaunay) [Tarsila do Amaral] [Mario & Oswald de Andrade] [Blaise Cendrars] (poet) [Sonia Terk-Delaunay] (Mrs. Robert Delaunay) [Feminism] [Art Talk, by Cindy Nemser]

Lee Ann Harrington

On this page: {} {} {} {} {} {} {Links}


Important works

"Spiral Journey" - interactive/participatory work. SouthSide at Lamar (as part of The Dallas Urban Arts League) Spring, 2006. The participant enters a clearly marked "maze" of a spiral on the floor and traces its path inward. Hanging from the ceiling are twines, strings, and yarns, at the end of which are little "books" in minute form. As you walk, you reach one of these and read what it has to say. NOTE: I know that *most* of you don't need this bet of observation, but as someone said "Yes, but when you get to the center, it's a dead end." -- It's the journey!! you twonk!!! It's all about the path traversed!!!! And having reached the centre (the apparent "dead end" - you have in fact been changed by your interaction with the art; which, i, leastways; think is all that good art can hope to do. - frank, via: fleeding AT hotmail DOT com Regardless, i remain (as calmly as can be sed), Franklin Ace - decimal point detective.



Like most artists, she has several sites: -[
Posts and such 2005-2006]- -[www:]- -[A text possibly hers]- (art might just be offensive!) (tyrany and art) -[]- -[]- -[]- -[]-