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[Back to the A/H Index]  [Performance Ceremony]- (as well Ritual in perf art)

Joseph Beuys (b.????, ; d.,)


Following the end of World War II, the young Nazi flier, Joseph Beuys learned the truth about the "great cause". Needless to say he underwent a transformation. In the end (or s at least somewhere long the path from loyal boy-flier sworn to defend the FatherLand/Hitler, to artist), he: 1) Entered into the world of Shamanism. One encroached space "pitted" him against a wild cayote armed only with a Indian blanket and hooting noises, etc. All of this in a sealed/enclosed space. 2) Was shot at by neo nazi's for daring to renounce the "true faith" of Hilterism. 3) Taught many classes in art and perf. 4) Wore a hat. (more later), frank via fleeding AT hotmail DOTCOM


Important works
